WP Starter

WordPress whole-site Composer packages has never been so easy.

WP Starter is the easiest and fastest way to bootstrap WordPress sites entirely based on Composer.


System Requirements

Composer - PHP Support Table

Composer ↓ / PHP → 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 8.0 8.1 8.2
1.10 - -
2.0 - -
2.1 -
2.3 -
2.4 -
2.5 -


MIT. See LICENSE file.



Contributions are very welcome.

Suggested flow:

  • Open an issue to discuss the fix / improvement. Might not be needed for trivial things.
  • Fork the repo and create a feature/bug-fix branch from dev branch. For trivial changes you might want to work directly on forked dev branch.
  • Send a PR to dev branch

Security Issues

If you have identified a security issue, please email giuseppe.mazzapica [at] gmail.com and do not file an issue as they are public.